Objections on Presidential Candidates Delay Early Voting and Vote by Mail

While early voting and voting by mail is supposed to start February 4th, County Clerk Pete Duncan announced that delays with the State certifying Presidential candidates may cause delays.

Currently eight objections on seven Presidential candidates are yet to be decided by the State Board of Elections. According to the State Board, final decisions on these objections are not anticipated to be made until after the start of the early vote and vote by mail period. Because Macoupin County’s ballots can not be printed and voting tabulators programmed until the State completes these hearings and certifies which Presidential candidates are to be listed on the ballot, voting will be delayed until the final certification is received.

For additional details about the delays in early voting and voting by mail due to objections on Presidential candidates, view the official County News announcement from Macoupin County Clerk Pete Duncan dated January 25, 2016.