Macoupin County Introduces Delinquent Property Tax Search

Macoupin County Clerk Pete Duncan introduced a time and labor-saving delinquent property tax online search tool. This newest addition to the county website provides instant information on all Macoupin County properties with unpaid property taxes.

“This new tool will allow property owners to check if they owe back property taxes” Duncan said. “They will also be able to instantly see an estimate of a pay off amount for that day. This type of transparency will improve collections, cut through red tape for taxpayers trying to find out how much they owe and allow many businesses to be more efficient. Title companies, mortgage servicers and insurance adjusters who need to bring unpaid taxes up to date will find this tool to be invaluable.”

The delinquent property tax search can be found at or by clicking on ‘Online Property Tax Search’ from

To use the tool, simply enter a property index number (PIN), property owner, or street address, select the property you have an interest in, and click the ‘Redemption’ tab on the left. Detailed instructions as well as a how-to video can be found at the ‘Online Property Tax Search’ page on

This addition comes to the existing online property tax information page that the county assessor, treasurer and clerk added with the upgrade to the property tax software in 2017. “On of the top priorities I had for this upgrade was making sure a delinquent property tax search was added in online,” Duncan explained. “This was covered as part of the cost of the software upgrade but will be a huge boost for giving taxpayers access to the information they are looking for on their schedule.”

The delinquent property tax search tool is updated daily and available 24-7 for those needing to that information. Prior to the development of the delinquent property tax search tool, taxpayers needed to call or visit the Clerk’s office to obtain information regarding the amount they owed and how to remedy the situation.

For more information or questions on delinquent property taxes and the online search, contact the Macoupin County Clerk’s Office at (217) 854-3214, extension 707.